
Trial Exhibits2It's likely you have seen the John Afrides Gold Handle Exhibit packages many times in courtrooms over the years.

Here are some of the cases we've contributed to and their outcomes...

Settlements & Verdicts

  • Angel Antonucci v. Advanced Orthopedics

    Stock medical illustrations were provided and enlarged to trial exhibits; a video was converted to a more compatible format

  • Anthony Mussara v. Mega Funworks, Inc.

    MRIs were enlarged to trial exhibits; stock medical illustrations were provided and enlarged

  • Balaj v. City of New York

    3D Presentation in Court; Medical Illustrations and MRI Exhibits

  • Dion v. MTA

    Photographs and Video at Location; Medical Illustrations; Trial Exhibits and Presentation in Court with Equipment

  • Estate of Beloyianis v. NY Presbyterian Hospital

    700+ exhibits created encompassing MRI enlargements, documents, and medical illustrations

  • Gordon v. MTA Bus Co.

    Injury Photos; MRI Trial Exhibits and Photo/Document Enlargements

  • Hurtado v. Roebling Parking

    MRI composite exhibits; intraoperative photos and document enlargements; and x-ray duplicates.

  • Santos Lovo v. Lin Hwa Chow

    X-rays were duplicated from film CDs; photos and documents were enlarged to trial exhibits; custom medical illustrations were created

  • Taylor v. The Point at Saranac Lake

    Trial Exhibits

  • Tirpack v. 125 North 10, LLC

    Photography at D&I; Medical Film and Aerial Exhibits; X-rays Duplicated

  • Vargas v. Scalamandre & Sons

    Presentation in court of 3D surgical video and trial exhibits.

  • Yvonne Simpson v. AD Marcus Garvey Realty, Inc.

    A day-in- the-life was captured of the plaintiff

Sizing Chart

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Gold Handle Exhibits,
by John Afrides

47-01 Queens Blvd, 
Suite 304

Sunnyside, New York
Tel: 718.707.3490